Aftermarket Auto Parts | User Agreement

User Agreement

Your access to the website is conditional upon your acceptance and compliance with the terms, conditions, notices and disclaimers contained in this document (known collectively as the "Terms of Use") and any other notices displayed elsewhere on this website. Your use of, and/or access to, the website constitutes your agreement to the Terms of Use. reserves the right to amend the Terms of Use at any time, and, since you are bound by these Terms of Use, we suggest you check back and review this document from time to time.

For an explanation of our practices and policies related to the collection, use, and storage of users' information, please read our Privacy Policy.

All users must be aged 16 and over.


The use of inappropriate or offensive language is not permitted on the forum. Inappropriate or offensive language includes, but is not limited to, any language or content that is sexually oriented, sexually suggestive, abusive, harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, profane, hateful, or contains racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable material of any kind.

Topics of discussion that are considered inappropriate on the forum will be deleted without prior notification. If a thread does not fall into any category provided, it is regarded as inappropriate. We ask that you please be considerate to other members in the forum when posting your messages. reserves the right to ban a user at any time, without notice, if it is identified that users continue to post inappropriate threads for discussion on this food & lifestyle forum. will not tolerate users expressing forms of bigotry, racism, hatred, or profanity. This includes, but is not limited to, the use of punctuation characters or symbols to simulate swearing. The forum is designed to be accessed by people of all ages 16 and over, and foul language will not be tolerated.

We encourage every user to treat every other user with mutual respect. Do not use the forum to threaten, harass, stalk, or abuse others participating in any discussion. does not tolerate disruptive activity online, such as persistent off-colour comments and postings or statements that incite others to violate this user agreement or participate in illegal activities.

If you are in doubt as to whether the content you wish to post is appropriate, please contact the Administrator who can advise you on the issue. You can contact us via email at:

2. MEMBER NAMES AND USER INFORMATION encourages the use of usernames (e.g. Sparky007) rather than your actual name, to protect your privacy

Please refrain from choosing offensive usernames and never post a message under another person's name or pretend to be another person. When posting a message or commenting on, your username is the only personal information that is displayed. Your real names and email address will never be displayed publicly unless otherwise specified by you.

Important note: To avoid spam and unwanted communication you should always exercise judgement when revealing personal information about yourself when you post messages in public forums.

Username: Should you wish to participate on you will need a username to advise people who you are (eg: Sparky007)

The username field is compulsory and must be unique. If the name you select is already in use you will be prompted to choose a different one. You should be aware that your username will be published anywhere you make a contribution to the site.

Important note: Please think carefully when choosing your username, as it will be published on the website and may be published in any extensions of the brand.

3. STAY INSIDE THE LAW does not allow any illegal activities on its forum or website. You cannot use the forum to publish, post, distribute, or disseminate defamatory, infringing, obscene, or other unlawful material or information.

Do not upload files or post messages that contain photos, software or other material protected by intellectual property laws, rights of privacy or publicity or any other applicable law unless you own or control the rights thereto or have received all necessary consents. is not responsible for any use of anything you say or post. does not allow posting or use of computer programs that contain destructive features such as: viruses, worms, Trojan horses, or bots for the use of scrolling, showing multiple screens and other activities that can be disruptive to online communication.


Please don't "spam" through; no one likes it. You don’t, so it’s fairly obvious that our users don’t either. To spam includes sending identical and irrelevant submissions to many different forum areas. Usually such postings have nothing to do with the particular topic of the group or are of no real interest to those on the mailing list. To spam also includes misrepresenting the source of anything you say or post. Spamming is a serious violation of online etiquette. will not condone users seen to be using their forum signature as an advertising mechanism and/or emailing or private messaging our users with spam regarding their services. The moderating team reserve the right to give a final warning to users violating this clause. reserves the right to ban a user at any time, without notice, from any or all forum for spamming.

While it is acceptable to post links to your own business websites when appropriate, is not designed to be used as the primary mechanism for operating your business or providing core information about your business.

We prefer that members make valuable and relevant contributions to the forums, and URLs for the promotion of a business or website be contained in a forum member's signature.

Consistent posting of links to third party websites may result in the removal of posts and the banning of the offending member.

The Administrator or moderators reserve the right to delete posts which;

1. Contain a direct link to auctions and topics clearly posted by commercial sellers.
2. Contain multiple posting by a user/author in an attempt to increase exposure via the forum index page.


What is an avatar? An avatar is a small image that represents you online. The avatar you select in your forum profile will appear on any forum post you make.

The use of inappropriate or offensive Avatars is not permitted on the forum. Inappropriate or offensive avatars includes, but is not limited to, any content that is sexually oriented, sexually suggestive or abusive, vulgar, obscene, profane or that contains racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable material of any kind. We ask that you please be considerate to other members in the forum when selecting your Avatar image.

Specifications of an avatar: Please ensure they are 100x100 pixels, and that they are no larger than 10kb, any avatars that exceed this specification, will be removed.


Please be advised that the reserves the right to ban a user at any time, without notice.


You are responsible and liable for all your activities while participating on Remember that you are responsible for anything you say or post.

Once a post has been made live on, unless it is brought to one of the moderators attention as being in breach of this user agreement, and is required to be edited or deleted, it is not a service we offer to remove users posts, therefore please consider your post carefully prior to making live. does not tolerate any argumentative, derogatory or hurtful remarks regarding companies or individuals. Any such remarks should be sent directly to the company or individual concerned and not posted on this forum. Any such remark deemed unacceptable will be edited or deleted without prior notification.

Some forum posts may provide Internet website links in their area. Please be advised that is not responsible for the content on the websites associated with the links you may view.

Some content and links on the Internet may contain adult content and may not be suitable to some age groups. Please do not post links of that sort to this forum. Any user found to be doing so will be banned.

You are responsible for any actions you may take based on advice or information you receive online. Use your own good judgement when evaluating information provided through any forum post, remember that the information provided could be from people from 16 and over and any experience level. The decision to conduct transactions with anyone is your own and you should conduct your own research prior to making any decisions. is moderated periodically, with any undesirable or inappropriate posts edited or deleted and kept on file. Any user(s) seen to be repeatedly in breach of this user agreement, will have their registration locked without prior warning. does not and cannot review all information posted to the website by users and is not responsible for such information. However, reserves the right to refuse to post and the right to remove any information, in whole or in part, for any reason whatsoever or for no reason.

For further information on the use of this site and its services, please review our Legal Notices and Privacy Policy


The material used in conjunction with the forum and website may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of ( This clause includes (but is not limited to) moderator private messages, forum threads, posts, product reviews and ratings, articles and user comments. If the Administrator witnesses such reproduction; then legal action may take place as a result.

When saving product reviews and ratings to, please be aware that they must be your own original work and not infringe upon the copyright of any other person or party.


This user agreement also applies, where relevant, to the posting of user ratings, reviews & comments on products. At the discretion of the Administrator or Editor, user ratings, reviews & comments may be edited or removed due to foul language, spam posting, inappropriateness, etc. Breeches of this user agreement may result in website users having their membership restricted or deleted without warning.


To report undesirable posts or to bring to our attention users who may not be following the user agreement, please email the forum Administrator ASAP at - your comments will remain anonymous. Please DO NOT post your grievances in the forum.